This course will explore the capacities of individual souls and how they are developed within the Consciousness Soul age.
The Consciousness Soul age is at the beginning of its development but requires effort from the human being to take it forward in a healthy way.
Working out of Consciousness Soul is working with the most progressive part of our being.
For the spiritual hierarchies to support progression, developing humanity must also be working progressively. And if we are to help others progress, we have to work with the most progressive part of ourselves. This course is therefore particularly useful for those working with others in a teaching, health related or developmental way.
The subtle changes that are perceived in the finer sheaths of the human being are significant transformations in our inner development. In order to keep developing Consciousness Soul, we need to understand what it is developing into. Through understanding the inner path we can gain insight into our individual relationship to the various steps that are asked of us and recognise how to utilise the inner exercises that both develop and support the progressive forces within ourselves. This allows the progressive beings to work with us.
Every soul capacity is a modification of Love. Our true being is the eternal I and the eternal Soul. All that is transient in us must be identified so that the Eternal can be evolved.
In our onward journey some experiences are likey to make us question if we have taken a wrong turn. By seeing the path that all must take, we can objectively evaluate our next step and learn how to work healthily from each stage.
This is a useful course for both those beginning with an inner practice and those who have taken one or many steps on this transforming path